[267] |
Avila, T, D Lafferty, M Stover, S Guerrero, C Samanatula, I Sue Wing and R Sriver (2024): US western physical wildfire risk variability and projections in statistically downscaled and bias-corrected climate model ensembles, Poster, Annual Principal Investigators Meeting of the Department of Energy's Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling (EESM) Program, 7 August 2024, https://climatemodeling.science.energy.gov/meetings/eesm-pi-meeting-2024.
[266] |
Chen, S, I Sue Wing and D Wrenn (2024): Housing density amplification of wildfire ignition risk: Evidence from the U.S. West, Seminar, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, 4 September 2024.
[265] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2024): Program on Coupled Human and Earth Systems (PCHES), Annual Principal Investigators Meeting of the Department of Energy's Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling (EESM) Program, 8 August 2024, https://climatemodeling.science.energy.gov/meetings/eesm-pi-meeting-2024.
[264] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2024): Capturing Cascading and Compound Climate Stressors in Interdependent Systems, Seminar: School of Sustainability, Arizona State University, 28 February 2024, https://asuevents.asu.edu/event/school-sustainability-seminar-series-karen-fisher-vanden.
[263] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2024): Climate and Sustainability, Harvard Kennedy School alumni event, 5 April 2024, https://gsas.harvard.edu/publicpolicyphdreunion.
[262] |
Grogan, D (2024): Development of groundwater methods in a global hydrologic model: towards interdisciplinary groundwater resource modeling for sustainable food production, University of New Hampshire Freshwater Resources Course, March 2024.
[261] |
Haqiqi, I (2024): Economics of compound extremes: Coping with water shortage in extreme heat, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2024, 11 December 2024, https://agu.confex.com/agu/agu24/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1749518.
[260] |
Haqiqi, I (2024): Irrigation vs. Trade: Adaptation pathways to reduce climate risks in food systems, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2024, 13 December 2024, https://agu.confex.com/agu/agu24/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1691663.
[259] |
Haqiqi, I (2024): Conservation Without Compromise: Achieving Ecological Goals Affordably, Degrowth and Sustainability: A Conference on Transformative Perspectives on Economic Growth Aligning with a Sustainable Environmental Future, 28 March 2024, https://www.purdue.edu/research/oevprp/events/index.php?view=6099.
[258] |
Haqiqi, I, T Simonato, U Baldos and T Hertel (2024): Modeling the unequal burden of heat stress, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2024, 11 December 2024, https://agu.confex.com/agu/agu24/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1757206.
[257] |
Iavorivska, L, D Grogan and S Zuidema (2024): Groundwater and society workshop: Transdisciplinary collaborations for sustainable management of an “invisible resource”, Poster, Annual Principal Investigators Meeting of the Department of Energy's Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling (EESM) Program, 8 August 2024, https://climatemodeling.science.energy.gov/meetings/eesm-pi-meeting-2024.
[256] |
Kircher, K, C Proistosescu and R Sriver (2024): Relationship between mid-latitude temperature distributions and meridional wind variability, Poster, Annual Principal Investigators Meeting of the Department of Energy's Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling (EESM) Program, 7 August 2024, https://climatemodeling.science.energy.gov/meetings/eesm-pi-meeting-2024.
[255] |
Lafferty, D and (2024): Combined climate and hydrologic uncertainties shape projections of future soil moisture extremes, Poster, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2024, 9 December 2024, https://agu.confex.com/agu/agu24/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1594837.
[254] |
Ma, T, K Fisher-Vanden and J Perla (2024): From Local Shocks to Regional Impacts: Economic Consequences of Public Safety Power Shutoffs in California on Western U.S. Residents, Poster, Annual Principal Investigators Meeting of the Department of Energy's Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling (EESM) Program, 8 August 2024, https://climatemodeling.science.energy.gov/meetings/eesm-pi-meeting-2024.
[253] |
Ma, T, K Fisher-Vanden and J Perla (2024): Economic Impact on Residents and Industries from Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPSs), 2024 USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, 4 November 2024, https://www.lsu.edu/ces/conferences/usaee2024/index.php.
[252] |
Mensah, E and D Wrenn (2024): Wildfire risk and home prices: The case of California building codes, Poster, Annual Principal Investigators Meeting of the Department of Energy's Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling (EESM) Program, 7 August 2024, https://climatemodeling.science.energy.gov/meetings/eesm-pi-meeting-2024.
[251] |
Nucciarone, J and J Perla (2024): Novel Approach Using MPI to Manage a Coupled Workflow, PEARC24 - Human Powered Computing Conference, 23 July 2024, https://pearc.acm.org/pearc24/.
[250] |
Pandara-Valappil, F, D Grodan, K Daenzer, S Frolking, K Calvin, J Nucciarone, K Fisher-Vanden and R Lammers (2024): Changes in crop production and irrigation management with groundwater restrictions in the U.S. West, Annual Principal Investigators Meeting of the Department of Energy's Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling (EESM) Program, 7 August 2024, https://climatemodeling.science.energy.gov/meetings/eesm-pi-meeting-2024.
[249] |
Perla, JM (2024): Will Excess Generation Capacity Provide Power System Resiliency Against Climate Change-Induced Stressors?, Operations Research Colloquium Series at The Pennsylvania State University, 6 February 2024.
[248] |
Perla, JM (2024): Will Excess Generation Capacity Provide Power System Resiliency Against Climate Change-Induced Stressors?, United States Environmental Protection Agency’s National Center for Environmental Economics, January 2024.
[247] |
Roth, S (2024): Statistically Approximating a High Resolution Flood Model, 2024 SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, 28 February 2024, https://meetings.siam.org/sess/dsp_talk.cfm?p=132937.
[246] |
Roth, S, S Sharma and A Alipour (2024): Probabilistic downscaling of flood models to improve hazard projections (Invited), American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2024, 10 December 2024, https://agu.confex.com/agu/agu24/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1539790.
[245] |
Roth, S, S Sharma, A Alipour, K Keller and M Haran (2024): Probabilistic flood model downscaling, Annual Principal Investigators Meeting of the Department of Energy's Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling (EESM) Program, 8 August 2024, https://climatemodeling.science.energy.gov/meetings/eesm-pi-meeting-2024.
[244] |
Shen, M, K Fisher-Vanden and D Wrenn (2024): Drought responses in the western United States: Household location choice and housing market feedback, Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Summer Conference, 29 May 2024, https://www.aere.org/aere-2024-summer-conference.
[243] |
Srikrishnan, V, VM Liu, K Tang, D Lafferty and L Anderson (2024): Impacts of climatic and socioeconomic uncertainties on net-zero power systems reliability: A case study from New York State, 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting, 21 October 2024, https://meetings.informs.org/wordpress/seattle2024/agenda/.
[242] |
Sriver, R, D Lafferty, D Groga, S Zuidema, A Alipour, K Keller and I Haqiqi (2024): Combined climate and hydrologic uncertainties shape projections of future soil moisture extremes, Annual Principal Investigators Meeting of the Department of Energy's Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling (EESM) Program, 8 August 2024, https://climatemodeling.science.energy.gov/meetings/eesm-pi-meeting-2024.
[241] |
Sriver, R, D Lafferty, D Groga, S Zuidema, A Alipour, K Keller and I Haqiqi (2024): Combined climate and hydrologic uncertainties shape projections of future soil moisture extremes, Poster, Annual Principal Investigators Meeting of the Department of Energy's Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling (EESM) Program, 8 August 2024, https://climatemodeling.science.energy.gov/meetings/eesm-pi-meeting-2024.
[240] |
Tang, K, V Liu, L Anderson and V Srikrishnan (2024): Identification of infrastructure pressure points in a decarbonized grid across climatic-technological scenarios, Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty 2024 Annual Conference, 2024, https://www.deepuncertainty.org/2024-annual-meeting/.
[239] |
Zuidema, S, D Grogan, M Lisk, J Zheng, K Fisher-Vanden, R Lammers, S Olmstead, L Fowler and A Proussevitch (2024): Bringing hydrologic realism to water markets: Hydro-economic modeling of allocation transfers from agriculture to urban users, Poster, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2024, 9 December 2024, https://agu.confex.com/agu/agu24/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1696176.
[238] |
Alipour, A (2023): Characterizing uncertainty in soil moisture to improve hindcast and projections of crop yields and MultiSector Dynamics, MultiSector Dynamics Workshop: Advancing Complex Adaptive Human-Earth Systems Science in a World of Interconnected Risks, 3 October 2023, https://msd-workshop.climateadaptation.ucdavis.edu/.
[237] |
Chen, S (2023): Human Impact on Wildfires: The Effect of Land Development on Fire Frequency in the Western U.S, Northeast Workshop on Energy Policy and Environmental Economics, 6 June 2023.
[236] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2023): Bringing Hydrologic Realism to Water Markets, Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Summer Conference, Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2 June 2023, https://whova.com/embedded/session/-5pxbCUy5kgPz2imiADHZ93Al1uCRnUJ-wejPogrkNw%3D/3100325/?widget=primary.
[235] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2023): Integrating Uncertainty Characterization and Uncertainty Quantification into Multisector Dynamics Research, Energy Modeling Forum Snowmass Workshop, 29 June 2023.
[234] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2023): Global Socioeconomic and Emission Projections, Energy Modeling Forum Snowmass Workshop, 29 June 2023, https://emf.stanford.edu/events/snowmass-workshop/snowmass-workshop-uncertainty-characterization-quantification-msd-research.
[233] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2023): Bringing Hydrologic Realism to Water Markets, Integrated Assessment Modeling Conference, Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium, 14 November 2023, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ay2QeU4bEkC7PeEm6jcCbh1DDeRmyy6y/view.
[232] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2023): Wildfire and Water Scarcity in the U.S. West, Poster, MultiSector Dynamics Workshop: Advancing Complex Adaptive Human-Earth Systems Science in a World of Interconnected Risks, 3 October 2023.
[231] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2023): Nonlinear, Cascading, and Compounding Risks in the Economy, The Dynamics of Climate and the Macroeconomy: A Workshop, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2023.
[230] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2023): Hydrologically-informed water rights trading increases urban water while sustaining irrigation, Invited talk, Craig School of Business, Fresno State University, February 2023.
[229] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2023): Hydrologically-informed water rights trading increases urban water while sustaining irrigation, Invited talk, Energy and Resources Group, University of California, Berkeley, February 2023.
[228] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2023): Hydrologically-informed water rights trading increases urban water while sustaining irrigation, Invited talk, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara, February 2023.
[227] |
Grogan, D (2023): Development of groundwater methods in a global hydrologic model: towards interdisciplinary groundwater resource modeling for sustainable food production, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research conference, 19 June 2023.
[226] |
Grogan, D (2023): Bringing hydrologic realism to water markets: Combining economic and hydrologic modeling to explore water rights in the face of water scarcity in the US West, Poster, MultiSector Dynamics Workshop: Advancing Complex Adaptive Human-Earth Systems Science in a World of Interconnected Risks, 3 October 2023, https://msd-workshop.climateadaptation.ucdavis.edu/program.
[225] |
Haqiqi, I (2023): Quantifying the uncertainties in estimating the heterogeneous effects of carbon taxes on labor, land, water, and fertilizer use in US agriculture, Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, 25 July 2023, https://www.aaea.org/meetings/2023-aaea-annual-meeting.
[224] |
Haqiqi, I (2023): Global Gridded Economic Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Seminar, 29 November 2023.
[223] |
Hertel, T (2023): SIMPLE-G in the Classroom and the Cloud, Forum 2023: Harnessing the Geospatial Data Revolution for Sustainability Solutions, 5 October 2023, https://i-guide.io/forum-2023/.
[222] |
Lafferty, D (2023): A Combined Sensitivity Analysis of Future Soil Moisture Projections in the Central United States, Poster, 2023 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 13 December 2023, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm23/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1349088.
[221] |
Lafferty, D (2023): How do Downscaling and Bias-Correction Alter the Uncertainty Decomposition of Future Climate Projections?, Poster, 2023 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 14 December 2023, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm23/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1302622.
[220] |
Lafferty, D (2023): Downscaling and bias-correction contribute considerable uncertainty to local climate projections in CMIP6, Poster, Interdisciplinary Workshop on Weather and Climate Extremes, 2023, https://calendar.clemson.edu/event/interdisciplinary_workshop_on_weather_and_climate_extremes_day_3.
[219] |
Lafferty, D (2023): Uncertainty in Natural Systems Components of MultiSector Dynamics Systems, Workshop on Uncertainty Characterization & Quantification in MultiSector Dynamics Research, 27 June 2023, https://emf.stanford.edu/events/snowmass-workshop/snowmass-workshop-uncertainty-characterization-quantification-msd-research.
[218] |
Lafferty, D (2023): The challenges of generating and using local-scale climate information, Biological & Environmental Engineering Department Seminar, 11 September 2023, https://cals.cornell.edu/biological-environmental-engineering/about/seminar-series.
[217] |
Lafferty, D (2023): Downscaling and Bias-Correction Contribute Considerable Uncertainty to Local Climate Projections in CMIP6, 2023 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 11 December 2023, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm23/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1412298.
[216] |
Monier, E (2023): A comprehensive assessment of high-resolution gridded observational meteorological datasets for use in multi-sector impact analyses, Poster, 2023 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 13 December 2023, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm23/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1417545.
[215] |
Perla, JM (2023): Will Excess Generation Capacity Provide Power System Resiliency Against Climate Change-Induced Stressors?, Sixteenth Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium Annual Meeting, 15 November 2023, https://whova.com/embedded/event/dl0ea%40rqMW%40axnBQuUSpzJhBnB0HEU7Y8r42dTcRiHo%3D/?refer=undefined&day=1.
[214] |
Roth, S (2023): Statistical Methods for Studying Riverine Flood Hazards, Poster, 2023 Penn State Climate Solutions Symposium , 17 May 2023, https://iee.psu.edu/events/climate-solutions-symposium/poster-session.
[213] |
Roth, S (2023): Flood Hazard Model Calibration Using Multiresolution Model Outputs, Poster, Rao Prize Conference 2023, 16 May 2023.
[212] |
Roth, S (2023): A new reification approach for a computationally demanding flood model, Spatial Statistics 2023: Climate and the Environment, 20 July 2023, https://virtual.oxfordabstracts.com/#/event/public/1703/session/68771.
[211] |
Schlenker, W (2023): Cooling Externality of Large-Scale Irrigation, First Research Conference on The Economics of Sustainable Development, 29 November 2023, https://www.worldbank.org/en/events/2023/11/29/economics-of-sustainable-development#2.
[210] |
Srikrishnan, V (2023): How Uncertainties Can Impact Climate Risk Management, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Seminar, Cornell University, February 2023.
[209] |
Srikrishnan, V (2023): An Introduction to Climate Risk Management, Climate Change Seminar, Cornell University, January 2023.
[208] |
Srikrishnan, V, D Lafferty, T Wong, J Lamontagne, J Quinn, S Sharma, N Molla, J Herman, R Sriver, J MOrris and B Seiyon Lee (2023): Towards a consistent taxonomy for uncertainty research in MultiSector Dynamics, Poster, MultiSector Dynamics Workshop: Advancing Complex Adaptive Human-Earth Systems Science in a World of Interconnected Risks, 3 October 2023.
[207] |
Sriver, R (2023): Physical wildfire risk variability and projections in statistically downscaled and bias-corrected climate ensembles, Poster, MultiSector Dynamics Workshop: Advancing Complex Adaptive Human-Earth Systems Science in a World of Interconnected Risks, 3 October 2023, https://msd-workshop.climateadaptation.ucdavis.edu/program.
[206] |
Sriver, R (2023): What are relevant climate uncertainties for local impacts and multi-sector applications?, Interdisciplinary Workshop on Weather and Climate Extremes, 17 May 2023, https://whitneyhuang83.github.io/WCE2023/agenda.
[205] |
Tang, K, J Wessel, A Birnbaum, J Lamontagne and V Srikrishnan (2023): A clustering-based method for interpretable multi-class scenario discovery, Poster, MultiSector Dynamics Workshop: Advancing Complex Adaptive Human-Earth Systems Science in a World of Interconnected Risks, 3 October 2023.
[204] |
Zuidema, S (2023): Bifurcating climate stresses of too wet and too dry in America’s breadbasket, MultiSector Dynamics Workshop: Advancing Complex Adaptive Human-Earth Systems Science in a World of Interconnected Risks, 3 October 2023, https://msd-workshop.climateadaptation.ucdavis.edu/.
[203] |
Berestycki, C (2022): Within City Disparate Temperature Effects Of Climate Change, Environmental Economics and Policy conference, Federal Reserve Bank of New York , 6 May 2022, https://www.newyorkfed.org/newsevents/events/regional_outreach/2022/0506-2022.
[202] |
Braun, S (2022): Does Adaptation Impact the Climate? Cooling Effect of Large-Scale Irrigation, Poster, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Summer Institute, Cambridge, MA, July 2022.
[201] |
Chen, S (2022): Human Impact on Wildfires: The Effect of Land Development on Fire Frequency in the Western U.S, Poster, Northeast Agricultural & Resource Economics Association Annual Meeting, Mystic, CT, 13 June 2022.
[200] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2022): Hydrologically-informed water rights trading increases urban water while sustaining irrigation, Invited talk, Department of Economics, University of New Mexico, December 2022.
[199] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2022): Water markets may accelerate groundwater depletion and will increase surface water availability, Presented to the State Water Resources Control Board of California, Virtual, 12 October 2022.
[198] |
Horing, J (2022): Economic impacts of wildfire adaptation: Public Safety Power Shutoffs in California, Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC) Annual Meeting, College Park, MD, 1 December 2022.
[197] |
Horing, J (2022): Economic impacts of wildfire adaptation: Public Safety Power Shutoffs in California, USAEE/IAEE Conference, Houston, TX, 24 October 2022.
[196] |
Keller, K (2022): Synergies between Earth Sciences and Climate Risk Management, Poster, Invited Talk, Department of Earth Sciences Geolunch, Dartmouth College, 3 May 2022, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm22/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1182198.
[195] |
Lafferty, D (2022): Uncertainty in the Representation of Climate Extremes Across Downscaled and Bias-Corrected CMIP Model Ensembles, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, 13 December 2022, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm22/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1176184.
[194] |
Lammers, R (2022): Water markets may accelerate groundwater depletion and will increase surface water availability, Poster, AGU Chapman, Golden, CO, 12 September 2022.
[193] |
Olmstead, S (2022): Water markets can accelerate groundwater depletion and increase surface water availability, Invited talk, Property and Environment Research Center (PERC), Bozeman, MT, 7 July 2022.
[192] |
Olmstead, S (2022): Water markets can accelerate groundwater depletion and increase surface water availability, Invited talk, University of Queensland (Australia), 25 May 2022.
[191] |
Romitti, Y (2022): Inequality in the availability of residential air conditioning across 115 US metropolitan areas, Invited talk, ENERGYA 2nd Scientific Workshop: Frontiers in climate change adaptation, Venice, Italy, 27 October 2022.
[190] |
Romitti, Y (2022): Inequality in the availability of residential air conditioning across 115 US metropolitan areas, Poster, American Public Health Association 2022 Annual Meeting and Expo, Boston, MA, 6 November 2022.
[189] |
Romitti, Y (2022): Inequality in the availability of residential air conditioning across 115 US metropolitan areas, Poster, Fifteenth IAMC Annual Meeting 2022, College Park, MD, 28 November 2022.
[188] |
Romitti, Y (2022): Residential Air Conditioning is Unequally Distributed within US Metropolitan Areas, ENERGYA 2nd Scientific Workshop, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 27 October 2022.
[187] |
Roth, S (2022): Flood Hazard Model Calibration Using Multiresolution Model Outputs, Joint Statistical Meetings, Washington, DC, 11 August 2022, https://ww2.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2022/onlineprogram/AbstractDetails.cfm?abstractid=322432.
[186] |
Roth, S (2022): Multiresolution Calibration of a Flood Hazard Model, Poster, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, 15 December 2022, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm22/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1182198.
[185] |
Schlenker, W (2022): Environmental Drivers of Agricultural Productivity Growth: CO₂ Fertilization of US Field Crops, Environmental Economics Seminar, Yale University, 30 March 2022.
[184] |
Shen, M (2022): Impact of water-related building moratoriums on home construction in California, Poster, Conference on Environmental Politics & Governance (EPG), University Park, PA, 30 June 2022.
[183] |
Srikrishnan, V (2022): Challenges and Opportunities for Uncertainty Analysis in Multi-Sector Systems, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 2022.
[182] |
Webster, M (2022): Research priorities for the transition to low-carbon resilient electric power: Linking long-term design and short-term operations, Invited Seminar, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1 March 2022.
[181] |
Woo, J (2022): C3F: A Collaborative Container-Based Model Coupling Framework, Poster, Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC) Conference, Boston, MA, 10 July 2022.
[180] |
Cisneros-Pineda, A (2021): Unraveling the Linkage between Flooding Risk and Economic Damage in the U.S, Southern Economic Association (SEA) 91st Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, 22 November 2021.
[179] |
Haqiqi, I (2021): Adaptation to Human Heat Stress: The Role of Labor Migration, Economic Responses, and Land Use Changes, AGU 2021 Fall Meeting, Virtual, 16 December 2021, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/834915.
[178] |
Hertel, TW (2021): Building Resilience to Vulnerabilities, Shocks, and Stresses, Workshop: Science and Innovations for a Sustainable Food System – Preparing for the UN Food Systems Summit 2021, , 22 April 2021, https://www.pas.va/en/events/2021/food_systems.html.
[177] |
Hertel, TW (2021): SIMPLE-G: A Multiscale Framework for Analysis of Land and Water Resource Sustainability, Invited talk to the FEWSCAPES research group, University of Wisconsin at Madison, 28 April 2021.
[176] |
Hertel, TW (2021): Integrating Socioeconomic & Policy Aspects Across Scales in the Food-Energy-Water System, National Academy of Engineering Forum, Virtual, 9 September 2021.
[175] |
Hertel, TW (2021): Going for Groundwater: Causes, Consequences and Responses to a Critical Sustainability Challenge, Plenary Presentation to the Water Sciences and Technology Board of the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, Virtual, 15 November 2021.
[174] |
Hertel, TW (2021): Integrating Socioeconomic & Policy Aspects Across Scales in the Food-Energy-Water System, National Academy of Engineering Forum on “Complex Food and Agricultural Systems: Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience”, Virtual, 7 September 2021.
[173] |
Hosseini-Shakib, I (2021): Key Uncertainties Differ When Characterizing Flood Hazards Versus Risks, AGU 2021 Fall Meeting, Virtual, 17 December 2021, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/841873.
[172] |
Keller, K (2021): Characterizing Deep Uncertainties is Crucial to Improving Climate Risk Management, AGU 2021 Fall Meeting, Virtual, 13 December 2021, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/821944.
[171] |
Lafferty, D (2021): Characterizing Uncertainties in the Crop Switching Decision Problem for U.S. Agriculture, AGU 2021 Fall Meeting, Virtual, 13 December 2021, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/978305.
[170] |
Pollack, A (2021): High Resolution Flood Loss Estimates are Necessary for Effective Flood Risk Management, Northeast Agricultural & Resource Economics Association Annual Meeting, Virtual, 15 June 2021.
[169] |
Pollack, A and I Sue Wing (2021): Can property level flood losses be reliably predicted?, AGU 2021 Fall Meeting, Virtual, 13 December 2021, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/887478.
[168] |
Schlenker, W (2021): CO2 fertilization of US field crops, University of British Columbia seminar, Virtual, 1 March 2021.
[167] |
Schlenker, W (2021): Market expectations of a warming climate, UC Berkeley and UC Davis joint seminar, Virtual, 15 April 2021.
[166] |
Sharma, S (2021): How important is model calibration for improving flood hazard characterization?, AGU 2021 Fall Meeting, Virtual, 15 December 2021, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/852550.
[165] |
Srikrishnan, V (2021): Uncertainty and Climate Risk Management, Center for Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Cornell University, 12 November 2021.
[164] |
Srikrishnan, V (2021): A Systems Approach to Flood Risk Management, Cornell Systems Engineering Ezra Roundtable Seminar, Cornell University, 24 September 2021.
[163] |
Sriver, R (2021): Statistically bias-corrected and downscaled climate models underestimate the adverse effects of extreme heat on U.S. maize yields, AGU 2021 Fall Meeting, Virtual, 13 December 2021, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/979772.
[162] |
Zuidema, S (2021): Scalability of the Farmable Wetlands Program – existing program is only one piece of the puzzle in meeting nitrate reduction targets, AGU 2021 Fall Meeting, Virtual, 14 December 2021, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/966974.
[153] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2019): Developing the next generation of use-inspired modeling tools, Invited plenary talk, Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium Annual Meeting, Tsukuba, Japan, 4 December 2019.
[152] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2019): Capturing Energy-Water-Land Interactions and Institutions in an Integrated Modeling Framework, Invited talk, Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium Annual Meeting, Tsukuba, Japan, 2 December 2019.
[151] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2019): Capturing Energy-Water-Land Interactions and Institutions in an Integrated Modeling Framework, Invited talk, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, 20 November 2019.
[150] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2019): Capturing Energy-Water-Land Interactions and Institutions in an Integrated Modeling Framework, Invited talk, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, 18 November 2019.
[149] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2019): Capturing Energy-Water-Land Interactions and Institutions in an Integrated Modeling Framework, Invited talk, Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, 14 November 2019.
[148] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2019): Capturing Energy-Water-Land Interactions and Institutions in an Integrated Modeling Framework, Invited Talk, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC, 13 November 2019.
[147] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2019): Developing the next generation of use-inspired modeling tools, Invited Talk, Harvard Kennedy School, 19 September 2019.
[146] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2019): Modeling integrated Economic-Power System-Hydrological Impacts: The Drivers and Economic Impacts of Water Shortages on the Western Power Grid, Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Summer Conference, Incline Village, NV, 30 May 2019.
[145] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2019): Capturing Energy-Water-Land Interactions in an Integrated Modeling Framework, Invited talk, School of Global Policy and Strategy, University of California, San Diego, 12 February 2019.
[144] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2019): Capturing Energy-Water-Land Interactions in an Integrated Modeling Framework, Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy Seminar, University Park, PA, 30 January 2019.
[143] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2019): Legal Hydrology: Incorporating water institutions and legal infrastructure an Integrated Energy-Water-Land Modeling Framework, Water Insights Seminar, University Park, PA, 29 January 2019.
[142] |
Grogan, D (2019): Global food security with sustainable groundwater withdrawals: collaborations between hydrologists and agricultural economists, Invited talk, Civil and Environmental Engineering seminar, Tufts University, 9 September 2019.
[141] |
Haqiqi, I (2019): Predicting Crop Yields Using Soil Moisture and Heat: An Extension to Schlenker and Roberts, Poster, 2019 AAEA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 23 July 2019.
[140] |
Haqiqi, I (2019): Estimating Water Withdrawal Response to Environmental Stresses, Poster, 2019 AAEA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 23 July 2019.
[139] |
Haqiqi, I (2019): Applications of Fine Scale Hydrological Simulations in Predicting Crop Yields, 2019 American Water Resources Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 3 November 2019.
[138] |
Haqiqi, I (2019): Compound Hyro-Climatic Extremes and Agricultural Crop Yields, Poster, AGU 2019 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 12 December 2019.
[137] |
Haqiqi, I (2019): Estimating Corn Yields Using Daily Soil Moisture and Heat Information: Interactions and Extremes, The Best Poster Award winner in 45th Annual Snyder Memorial Lecture, Purdue University, April 2019.
[136] |
Jayasekera, DH (2019): Worker Location Decisions by Skill Level: The Welfare Impacts of Weather Shocks and Industry Composition on the Demand for High and Low Skill Labor, Annual Meetings of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Atlanta, GA, 21 July 2019.
[135] |
Keller, K (2019): From Earth System Science to Coastal Hazards (and Back), Penn State Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy Seminar, University Park, PA, 3 April 2019.
[134] |
Keller, K and V Srikrishnan (2019): From Earth system science to decision-making and back. Adventures in convergent science, Invited talk at the Joint Global Change Research Institute, College Park, MD, 15 February 2019.
[133] |
Keller, K and V Srikrishnan (2019): From Earth system science to coastal hazards and back, Invited Talk, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, 14 March 2019.
[132] |
Keller, K and V Srikrishnan (2019): Agent-Based Models: The new “plastic” or the emperor's clothes?, Program on Coupled Human Environmental Systems Research Seminar, University Park, PA, 29 March 2019.
[131] |
Keller, K and V Srikrishnan (2019): From Earth system science to decision-making and back: Adventures in convergent science, Invited Talk, Joint Global Change Research Institute, College Park, MD, 15 February 2019.
[130] |
Lafferty, D (2019): Climate uncertainty in agricultural modeling: the effects of downscaling and bias-correction, Poster, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 13 December 2019.
[129] |
Lafferty, D and R Sriver (2019): Climate uncertainty in agricultural modeling: The effects of downscaling and bias-correction, Midwest Student Conference on Atmospheric Research, Urbana, IL, 5 October 2019.
[128] |
Lammers, R (2019): Requirements for Successful Model Coupling in Interdisciplinary Research, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 11 April 2019.
[127] |
Mansur, E (2019): Technology Adoption as Climate Adaptation: Evidence from US Air Conditioning, Invited Talk, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 18 October 2019.
[126] |
Mansur, E (2019): Technology Adoption as Climate Adaptation: Evidence from US Air Conditioning, Invited Talk, University of Hawaii, 18 November 2019.
[125] |
Mansur, E (2019): Technology Adoption as Climate Adaptation: Evidence from US Air Conditioning, Invited Talk, University of Indiana, Bloomington, 6 December 2019.
[124] |
Mansur, E (2019): Technology Adoption as Climate Adaptation: Evidence from US Air Conditioning, Invited Talk, Columbia University, 10 December 2019.
[123] |
Plough, J (2019): Floods, shifting risk perceptions and property prices, 5th Annual Duck Family Graduate Workshop on Environmental Politics and Governance, University of Washington, 17 May 2019.
[122] |
Reed, B and J Weyant (2019): Skill, Reliability, and Uncertainty: A Guide to Near-Term Climate Prediction and Extreme Event Attribution for the VIACS Community, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 13 December 2019.
[121] |
Rougé, C (2019): Coordination in large-scale models in water engineering: challenges for water resilience, Centre for Water Systems Seminar, University of Exeter, UK, 15 November 2019.
[120] |
Rougé, C (2019): Coordination and control: Limits in standard simulation-based vulnerability assessments of complex multi-reservoir systems, Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty Annual Meeting, Delft, Netherlands, 6 November 2019.
[119] |
Rougé, C (2019): Coordination in large-scale models in water engineering: challenges for water resilience, Water Network Seminar, University of Oxford, UK, 4 September 2019.
[118] |
Rougé, C (2019): Coordination in large-scale models in water engineering: challenges for water resilience, Climate Impacts and Adaptation seminar, University of Newcastle, UK, 13 May 2019.
[117] |
Vega Westhoff, B, R Sriver, C Hartin, A Wong and K Keller (2019): What is the role of climate sensitivity in extreme sea-level rise scenarios?, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9 December 2019.
[116] |
Wrenn, D (2019): Floods, shifting risk perceptions and property prices, AERE Summer Conference, Incline Village, NZ, 30 May 2019.
[115] |
Zuidema, S (2019): Scenario water availability metrics, Presented to ReFEWS Stakeholder Advisory Group, Twin Falls, Idaho, 6 November 2019.
[114] |
Zuidema, S (2019): Irrigation water reuse reduces effectiveness of modernizing irrigation technologies coupled with enhanced aquifer recharge: Example from the Upper Snake River Basin, Idaho, USA, AGU Chapman Conference, Valéncia, Spain, 23 October 2019.
[113] |
Zuidema, S (2019): Scenarios: Differences in water supply, Presented to ReFEWS Stakeholder Advisory Group, Twin Falls, Idaho, 15 May 2019.
[112] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2018): Incorporating institutional constraints into EWL modeling frameworks—notes from the battlefield, Analyses of Multi-Sector Energy and Environmental Dynamics Workshop, Stanford University, 18 July 2018.
[111] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2018): Program on Coupled Human and Earth Systems, Analyses of Multi-Sector Energy and Environmental Dynamics Workshop, Stanford University, 18 July 2018.
[110] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2018): Program on Coupled Human and Earth Systems, Department of Energy Principal Investigators Meeting, Potomac, MD, 5 November 2018.
[109] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2018): Capturing Energy-Water-Land Interactions in an Integrated Modeling Framework, Division of Economics and Business seminar, Colorado School of Mines, 7 December 2018.
[108] |
Fisher-Vanden, K (2018): The role of water governance and irrigation technologies in the West in water resources resilience and vulnerability, Department of Energy Principal Investigators Meeting, Potomac, MD, 5 November 2018.
[107] |
Haqiqi, I (2018): Irrigated or Rainfed? Fine-Scale Intercomparison of Observed and Simulated Variations in Maize Yield, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, 13 December 2018.
[106] |
Haqiqi, I (2018): Global Climate Fluctuations, Local Water-Land Constraints, and Implications for Food Market Volatility, 2018 AERUS Program, Applied Economics, Regional, and Urban Studies, 7 April 2018.
[105] |
Hertel, T (2018): The Land and Water Implications of Biomass Co-Firing in the MISO region, International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), July 2018.
[104] |
Keller, K and R Nicholas (2018): Model-Based Assessments of the Energy-Water-Land Dynamics: Earth System and Socio-Economic Trends and Forcings, Overarching Research Questions and Broad Analytical Approaches, Analyses of Multi-Sector Energy and Environmental Dynamics Workshop, 19 July 2018.
[103] |
Kumar, V, M Webster and K Fisher-Vanden (2018): Adaptive system planning considering multi-year dynamics and uncertainty, Penn State Energy Days, Penn State, University Park, 30 May 2018.
[102] |
Kumar, V, M Webster and UV Shanbag (2018): Q learning Applied to Multi-Stage Generator Expansion Planning, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 7 November 2018.
[101] |
Lammers, R (2018): Details of Modeling Key Energy-Water-Land Interactions, Analyses of Multi-Sector Energy and Environmental Dynamics Workshop, 20 July 2018.
[100] |
Lammers, R (2018): What we do and what we want, Analyses of Multi-Sector Energy and Environmental Dynamics Workshop, Snowmass, CO, 19 July 2018.
[99] |
Lammers, R (2018): Water rights in the West: Incorporating water regulations and legal infrastructure in a process-based hydrology model, Analyses of Multi-Sector Energy and Environmental Dynamics Workshop, Snowmass, CO, 20 July 2018.
[98] |
Lammers, R (2018): Requirements for Successful Model Coupling – The WBM experience, Department of Energy Principal Investigators Meeting, Potomac, MD, 7 November 2018.
[97] |
Lammers, R (2018): Exploring hydrological scenarios in an irrigation-intensive landscape, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12 April 2018.
[96] |
Liu, J (2018): Biomass Co-Firing in the MISO Region and Impacts on Nitrate Leaching, INFORMS Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 4 November 2018.
[95] |
Mansur, E (2018): Technology Adoption as Climate Adaptation: Evidence from US Air Conditioners, Environmental & Development Economics Workshop, London School of Economics, 15 June 2018.
[94] |
Mansur, E and I Sue Wing (2018): Technology Adoption as Climate Adaptation: Evidence from US Air Conditioners, Poster, Department of Energy Principal Investigators Meeting, Potomac, MD, 5 November 2018.
[93] |
McClain, V and T Hertel (2018): Estimation of parameters for the SIMPLE model using a maximum entropy approach, 21st Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Cartagena, Colombia, 13 June 2018.
[92] |
Olmstead, S (2018): Model-Based Assessments of the Energy-Water-Land Dynamics: Earth System and Socio-Economic Trends and Forcings, Overarching Research Questions and Broad Analytical Approaches, Analyses of Multi-Sector Energy and Environmental Dynamics Workshop, 19 July 2018.
[91] |
Rouge, C (2018): Reservoirs in Hydrological Models: Is There a Pilot on Board?, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, 10 December 2018.
[90] |
Rouge, C (2018): Diagnostics of large-scale models in water resources engineering: a reservoir management example in the American West, University of Sheffield Pennine Water Group Seminar, University of Sheffield, UK, 4 October 2018.
[89] |
Schlenker, W (2018): Adoption of Hybrid Corn Reduced Heat Sensitivity and Increased Drought Tolerance, North-Eastern Universities Conference on Environmental and Energy Economics, New York, NY, 18 May 2018.
[88] |
Sue Wing, I (2018): Details of Modeling Key Energy-Water-Land Interactions, Analyses of Multi-Sector Energy and Environmental Dynamics Workshop, 20 July 2018.
[87] |
Sun, S (2018): The Land and Water Implications of Biomass Co-Firing in the MISO region, 21th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (GTAP), Cartagena, Colombia, June 2018.
[86] |
Sun, S (2018): The Land and Water Implications of Biomass Co-Firing in the MISO region, AAEA Annual Conference, Washington, DC, July 2018.
[85] |
Wrenn, D (2018): Model-Based Assessments of the Energy-Water-Land Dynamics: Earth System and Socio-Economic Trends and Forcings, Overarching Research Questions and Broad Analytical Approaches, Analyses of Multi-Sector Energy and Environmental Dynamics Workshop, 19 July 2018.
[84] |
Zuidema, S (2018): Impacts of surface and groundwater availability to changing irrigation technologies in a semi-arid agricultural region, Poster, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, 14 December 2018.
[83] |
Fisher-Vanden, K, R Caccesse, L Fowler, S Frolking, D Grogan, R Nicholas, M Webster and D Wrenn (2017): Capturing governance, institutional, and system constraints in an integrated energy-water-land modeling framework, Workshop on Modeling Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems Dynamics, 18 July 2017.
[82] |
Hertel, T, R Lammers, W Schlenker, S Sun and M Webster (2017): Gridded modeling of integrated energy-water- land systems dynamics, Workshop on Modeling Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems Dynamics, 18 July 2017.
[81] |
Lammers, R (2017): The Role of Water Governance and Irrigation Technologies in Regional-Scale Water Use and Consumption in the US West (H11H-1299), American Geophysical Union Meeting, 11 December 2017.
[80] |
Nicholas, R, P Reed and R Sriver (2017): Improving the quality and ease of use of climate information, Workshop on Modeling Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems Dynamics, 18 July 2017.
[79] |
Reed, P and J Lamontagne (2017): Climate projections method intercomparison and model diagnostics, Workshop on Modeling Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems Dynamics, 18 July 2017.
[78] |
Sriver, R (2017): Assessing the tails in Earth system model ensembles, Invited Talk, Department of Statistic , University of Chicago, June 2017.
[77] |
Sriver, R (2017): Decision-relevant uncertainty quantification using climate model ensembles, Statistical and Dynamical Perspectives on Midwest Regional Climate Change, Purdue University, May 2017.
[76] |
Sriver, R (2017): The influence of uncertainties on the tails of climate projections on decision-relevant spatial and temporal scales, Workshop on Modeling Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems Dynamics, 18 July 2017.
[75] |
Sue Wing, I (2017): Global modeling of integrated energy-water- land systems dynamics, Workshop on Modeling Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems Dynamics, 18 July 2017.
[74] |
Sun, S (2017): Biomass Co-Firing Potential and Land Use Changes: A General Equilibrium Study in the MISO Region, Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (GTAP), West Lafayette, IN, June 2017.
[73] |
Sun, S (2017): Biomass Co-Firing Potential and Land Use Changes: A General Equilibrium Study in the MISO Region, AAEA Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, July 2017.
[72] |
Sun, S (2017): Biomass Co-Firing Potential and Land Use Changes: A General Equilibrium Study in the MISO Region, Workshop on Modeling Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems Dynamics, Snowmass, CO, July 2017.
[71] |
Weyant, J (2017): Base research program for developing evaluation tools for modeling frameworks, Workshop on Modeling Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems Dynamics, 18 July 2017.
[69] |
Applegate, P and K Keller (2015): Limited effectiveness of solar radiation management geoengineering in preventing sea-level rise from the Greenland Ice Sheet, European Geophysical Union Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015.
[68] |
Baldos, ULC, TW Hertel and K Fuglie (2015): Appraising the costs and benefits for R&D led climate adaptation, International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Milan, Italy, 10 August 2015.
[67] |
Davlasheridze, M and Q Fan (2015): The Effects of Seawall in the Wake of Hurricane Ike: A Spatial Difference-in-Difference Approach, The 4th Annual AERE Summer Conference, San Diego, CA, June 2015.
[66] |
Fan, Q and M Davlasheridze (2015): Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Flood Mitigation Policies, The World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2015.
[65] |
Hertel, TW (2015): Global Change and the Challenges of Sustainably Feeding a Growing Planet, Meetings of the Australian Agriculture and Resource Economics Society, Rotorua, New Zealand, 11 February 2015.
[64] |
Hertel, TW (2015): Global Change and the Challenges of Sustainably Feeding a Growing Planet, Filley-Geary Annual Lecture, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 6 March 2015.
[63] |
Hertel, TW (2015): Appraising the gains from R&D-led climate adaptation in agriculture, International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Milan, Italy, 10 August 2015.
[62] |
Hertel, TW (2015): Food and Environmental Security in an Era of Globalization, German Association of Agricultural Economists, Giessen, Germany, 23 September 2015.
[61] |
Hertel, TW (2015): Climate Adaptation and Mitigation: An Economic Perspective on Land-based Policies and Food Security, IPCC Summit on Food Security, Dublin, Ireland, 28 May 2015.
[60] |
Hertel, TW (2015): Global Land use Modeling for the Food-Energy-Water Nexus, NSF workshop on Food Energy and Water Systems, Iowa State University, 12 October 2015.
[59] |
Hertel, TW (2015): Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, Invited Talk, Climate Change Group of the World Bank, Washington, DC, 5 February 2015.
[58] |
Hertel, TW (2015): Climate Change, Agriculture, Land Use and Poverty, Invited Talk, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University, 5 February 2015.
[57] |
Hertel, TW and UL Baldos (2015): Green Revolutions Past and Future: Implications for Food Security and the Environment, EU-IATRC conference on Global Food Security Challenges, Milan, Italy, August 2015.
[56] |
Hogan, E and R Sriver (2015): Evaluating depth-integrated steric contributions to sea-level trends and variability in Earth system model ensembles, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
[55] |
Keller, K (2015): How can uncertainty analyses better inform decision making?, Energy Modeling Forum Workshop on Climate Change Impacts and Integrated Assessment, Snowmass, CO, 25 July 2015.
[54] |
Keller, K (2015): What drives the uncertainty about the social cost of carbon?, Energy Modeling Forum Workshop on Climate Change Impacts and Integrated Assessment, Snowmass, CO, 28 July 2015.
[53] |
Olmstead, S (2015): Water resources and climate change adaptation: an economist’s perspective, Seminar, The Water Institute, University of Waterloo, Canada, 17 March 2015, https://goo.gl/ysQiNy.
[52] |
Olmstead, S and H Sigman (2015): Damming the Commons: An empirical analysis of international cooperation and conflict in dam location, Economics Department Seminar, University of Houston, 28 April 2015.
[51] |
Olmstead, S and H Sigman (2015): Damming the Commons: An empirical analysis of international cooperation and conflict in dam location, Applied Economics Department Seminar, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 6 February 2015.
[50] |
Popp, D (2015): Are We Adapting to Floods? Evidence from a Global Cross Section, The Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association and the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society Joint Annual Meeting, New Port, RI, June 2015.
[49] |
Popp, D (2015): Are We Adapting to Floods? Evidence from a Global Cross Section, 4th Annual Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) Summer Conference, San Diego, CA, June 2015.
[48] |
Popp, D (2015): What Drives Climate Preparedness: An Assessment of State Climate Adaptation Planning in the United States, Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference, Chicago, IL, April 2015.
[47] |
Popp, D (2015): What Drives Climate Preparedness: An Assessment of State Climate Adaptation Planning in the United States, American Society for Public Administration 2015 Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, March 2015.
[46] |
Popp, D (2015): What Drives Climate Preparedness: An Assessment of State Climate Adaptation Planning in the United States, Invited Talk, New York University, February 2015.
[45] |
Prusevich, AA, RB Lammers, AI Shiklomanov, S Glidden and R Stewart (2015): New improvements in modeling of hydrological processes at local and regional scales, Ecosystems and Society Meeting, Durham, NH, 12 March 2015.
[44] |
Ruckert, K, Y Guan, CE Forest and K Keller (2015): Deep uncertainty about the modes and tails of sea-level projections, European Geophysical Union Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015.
[43] |
Ruckert, K, Y Guan, CE Forest, G Shaffer and K Keller (2015): (Pre-) calibration of a Reduced Complexity Model of the Antarctic Contribution to Sea-level Changes, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
[42] |
Sriver, R (2015): Earth’s changing climate: Observations, models, and uncertainty, Seminar in Energy and Sustainability Engineering, University of Illinois, September 2015.
[41] |
Sriver, R, CE Forest and K Keller (2015): Quantifying decision-relevant uncertainties in climate model ensembles across multiple spatial and temporal scales, 95th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, January 2015.
[40] |
Sriver, R, K Keller and CE Forest (2015): Quantifying decision-relevant uncertainties in climate model ensembles across multiple spatial and temporal scales, 95th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, January 2015.
[39] |
Vega-Westhoff, B and R Sriver (2015): Analyzing the effects of unforced natural variability and anthropogenic forcing on ENSO variability using the Community Earth System Model (CESM), AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
[38] |
Applegate, P and K Keller (2014): Solar radiation management geoengineering and the Greenland Ice Sheet, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2014.
[37] |
Davlasheridze, M and Q Fan (2014): Local and Regional Impacts of Hurricane Katrina, The 84th Southern Economic Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 2014.
[36] |
Diaz, D (2014): The Roles of Mitigation and Adaptation for Coastal Impacts from Climate Change, Extreme Events, and Catastrophe, EAERE-FEEM-VIU European Summer School on Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change, Venice, Italy, 8 July 2014.
[35] |
Diaz, D (2014): Mitigation and Adaptation for Coastal Impacts from Climate Change, Extreme Events, and Catastrophe, International Energy Workshop, Beijing, China, 6 June 2014.
[34] |
Diaz, D (2014): Mitigation and Adaptation for Coastal Impacts from Sea Level Rise, Stanford Environmental and Energy Policy Analysis Center Seminar, Stanford University, 18 November 2014.
[33] |
Diaz, D (2014): Optimal Climate Policy under Catastrophic Uncertainty: Does the Risk of Ice Sheet Collapse Warrant Precautionary Mitigation?, INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 10 November 2014.
[32] |
Diaz, D (2014): Coastal Adaptation Planning for Sea Level Rise and Extremes: A Global Model for Adaptation Decision-Making at the Local Level Given Uncertain Climate Projections, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2014.
[31] |
Fisher-Vanden, K, S Olmstead and R Rimsaite (2014): How do water rights institutions affect climate change impacts on water supply?, PIAMDDI Annual Meeting, Stanford University, 13 December 2014.
[30] |
Forest, CE, A Libardoni, CY Tsai, A Sokolov, E Monier, R Sriver and K Keller (2014): Towards Quantifying Robust Uncertainty Information for Climate Change Decision-making, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2014.
[29] |
Frolking, S, RB Lammers and DS Grogan (2014): Water: Macro-scale process-based modeling of water, Climate Change Impacts and Integrated Assessment (CCI/IA) Workshop XX, Snowmass, CO, July 2014.
[28] |
Grogan, DS, H Kim, D Yamazaki, RB Lammers, S Frolking and T Oki (2014): Adapting a Global Flood Model for Regional Simulations: the CaMa-Flood Model as Applied to New England Catchments, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2014.
[27] |
Hertel, TW (2014): Bursting the Bubble: A Long Run Perspective on Food Prices, Invited talk, Center for Food Security and the Environment, Stanford University, 29 April 2014.
[26] |
Hertel, TW (2014): Global land use and the environment, Workshop on ecology and the environment, Cambridge University, United Kingdom , 21 September 2014.
[25] |
Hertel, TW (2014): Water Scarcity and Economic Growth, OECD workshop on environment and economic growth, Paris, France, 2 October 2014.
[24] |
Hertel, TW (2014): Market Integration, Teleconnections and Global Land Use Change, Workshop on operationalization of telecoupling concepts for land system science, Aeschi Park, Switzerland, 2 December 2014.
[23] |
Hertel, TW (2014): Modeling Water Scarcity in Global Economic Models, 4th Annual PIAMDDI workshop on Integrated Assessment Modeling, Stanford University, 19 December 2014.
[22] |
Hertel, TW (2014): Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, RNRF Congress on Adapting Food Production to a Changing Climate, Washington, DC, December 2014.
[21] |
Hertel, TW (2014): Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, RNRF Congress on Adapting Food Production to a Changing Climate, Washington, DC, December 2014.
[20] |
Hogan, E and R Sriver (2014): The effect of internal climate variability on spatial and temporal patterns of sea-level rise variations and projections, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2014.
[19] |
Hurtt, GC, DM Lawrence, V Brovkin, KV Calvin, LP Chini, J Fisk, S Frolking, C Jones, N de Noblet-Ducoudre, J Pongratz, SI Seneviratne and E Shevliakova (2014): Land-Use/Land Cover Change as Driver of Earth System Dynamics: past progress, future priorities, and new data and models for advancing the science, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2014.
[18] |
Keller, K (2014): Georgia Tech: Informing robust climate change adaptation decisions, Workshop on Climate Science Needed to Support Robust Adaptation Decisions, Atlanta, GA, 6 February 2014.
[17] |
Keller, K, D Wuebbles and W Collins (2014): What are Earth system models useful for?, DOE Workshop on Climate- Energy Modeling and Model Interdependencies, Part I, Rockville, MD, 28 October 2014.
[16] |
Olmstead, S and H Sigman (2014): Damming the Commons: An empirical analysis of international cooperation and conflict in dam location, Environmental Economics Research Workshop for Pre-Doctoral Fellows and Alumni of the Fellows Program, Harvard University, October 2014.
[15] |
Olmstead, S and H Sigman (2014): Damming the Commons: An empirical analysis of international cooperation and conflict in dam location, Applied Macro Lunch Seminar, University of Texas at Austin, 13 October 2014.
[14] |
Peterson, A and R Sriver (2014): Analyzing spatial variations in sea-level rise due to ocean warming, 7th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 17 April 2014.
[13] |
Popp, D (2014): What Drives Climate Preparedness: An Assessment of State Climate Adaptation Planning in the United States, Association for Public Policy and Management Fall Research Conference, Albuquerque, NM, November 2014.
[12] |
Popp, D (2014): Necessity as the Mother of Invention: Innovative Responses to Natural Disasters, International Research Committee on Disasters Researchers Meeting, Denver, CO, June 2014.
[11] |
Sriver, R (2014): Analyzing decision-relevant uncertainties in large climate ensemble experiments, Invited Talk, Department of Atmospheric Sciences,, Texas A&M University, November 2014.
[10] |
Sriver, R (2014): Analyzing decision-relevant uncertainties in large climate ensemble experiments, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Purdue University, October 2014.
[9] |
Sriver, R (2014): Analyzing climate impacts using a low-resolution CESM ensemble, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate & Global Change Summer Institute, Steamboat Springs, CO, July 2014.
[8] |
Sriver, R, CE Forest and K Keller (2014): Quantifying decision-relevant climate uncertainties in climate model ensembles across multiple spatial and temporal scales, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2014.
[7] |
Sriver, R, CE Forest and K Keller (2014): Analyzing climate impacts using a low-resolution CESM ensemble, 19th Annual Community Earth System Model (CESM) Workshop, Breckenridge, CO, June 2014.
[6] |
Sriver, R, CE Forest and K Keller (2014): Assessing skill of a low-resolution CESM ensemble, DOE Integrated Climate Modeling Principal Investigator Meeting, Washington, DC, May 2014.
[5] |
Taheripour, F, TW Hertel and B Narayanan (2014): Exploring the energy-water-food-climate nexus for the Indian economy in 2030, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 16 December 2014.
[4] |
Zaveri, E, DS Grogan, K Fisher-Vanden, S Frolking, DH Wrenn and R Nicholas (2014): Adaptability of Irrigation to a Changing Monsoon in India: How far can we go?, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2014.